Workout To Lose Fat for Full Body

Workout To Lose Fat for Full Body

Whenever it comes to talking about an effective full-body workout for weight loss,

exercise or physical activity is the actual key. There are so many ways to

lose weight but exercise or doing the workout is the best and everlasting method

to lose your weight and fat in no time.

If you want to see strength and muscle gain, you must train smart, that means

you need to walk to the gym with an organized plan for every training session. A

great workout program that is effective, efficient, and great for a wider range of

lifting levels, from beginner to advanced, is a full-body workout plan.

There are so many queries and so many questions regarding full-body workout

plans and the reason or science behind exercise.

let’s address all the queries regarding this science.

  1. What is a full-body workout for beginners?
  2. Is it okay to train a full body daily?
  3. How to plan a full-body workout?
  4. What is the best full-body workout?
  5. Are 4 exercises enough for a full body?


The overhead press primarily focuses on building strength in the shoulder muscles while also engaging the triceps indirectly. It demands a great deal of core stability to execute effectively.


During your lifting career, the deadlift could prove very well to be the most

important movement. Perfecting your deadlift form and becoming relatively

strong at the exercise lends itself to keeping you healthy and injury-free.


Like the deadlift, squat is a movement pattern that requires a lot of mobility

and it is important to build and maintain efficiency throughout life. Squats

are the toughest movements to perform but you will burn a lot of calories in

the process of your workouts by including them in your life.


Most people have no issue in performing rows. One could exercise an

effective and strong albeit which is aesthetic not completely but intervalley.

the barbell bent over a row is an often-overlooked exercise, but there is a reason

behind this scenario that they are an absolute back mass-building exercise.


Bench presses are very important to train. Like a barbell bent over a row if you

suffer from some nagging joint discomfort, you may want to research and

experiment with alternate variations of horizontal push until you find a

variation you are comfortable performing.

Whenever you are searching to achieve your best physique, a proper strength

training program is a must for your health and body. It’s imperative to add

training sessions in the form of reps, sets, and muscle growth as you achieve in

your journey. In this article, we have reviewed several high-quality exercises for

men or women of all experience levels to maximize muscle and strength gains

while ensuring enough recovery.


EXERCISE              SETS             REPS

Squats                      5                  5

Bench press            5                  5

Barbell row             5                  5

Skull Crushers        3                 10

Leg curls                  3                 12

This exercise can serve as a weeklong beginner routine or be cycled to provide

several sessions per week for advanced trainees. If your goal is weight and fat

loss, you can add a form of cardio too such as rowing, biking, cycling, in

between sessions.

Another workout plan is presented to help you lose weight and keep

yourself healthy as well as energetic and active. Let’s see what is there for you




Romanian       2          8-12


Pull-ups           3         15-15

Dips                  3         10-20

Calf raises       3          12-15

Plank               3     60 seconds


EXERCISE         SETS         REPS

Squats                 1           20

One arm/            3         10-15


Arnold presses   3         10-15

Wheel roll out    3         10-15

After working in the gym for so many days, it’s time to step your training up a notch

to keep your gains coming. At this time, you should have good exercise

technique and be able to handle more weight on the bar. If you do it correctly,

you can follow this routine for many years until you reach an advanced level.


Rest intervals:90-180 seconds for main movements,60-90 seconds for


Intensity: select a weight that allows you to complete the prescribed reps

while leaving about 2 solid reps in the tank. To increase intensity, go to your

limit on the last set.


Chest: flat barbell bench presses 4 sets of 6-8 reps.

Back: bent over barbell rows-3 sets of 6-8 reps.

Shoulders: seated dumbbell press-3 sets of 8- 10 reps.

Biceps: incline dumbbell curls sets of 10-12 reps.

Day 2: lower body

Legs: barbell back squats-4 sets of 6-8 reps

Legs: leg press-3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Quadriceps: seated leg extension sets of 10-12 reps.

Calves: calf press on leg press-4 sets of 12-15 reps

Abs: decline crunches sets of 12-15 reps.

All the above-mentioned workout plans will help you in muscle building and

weight loss as well as fat loss. If you practice daily to these workouts, you will

see the results within days.


We have shared all those tactics and tricks for you people to practice which

can boost your metabolism and help you to understand the science behind

working out for a full body plan.

Stay tuned.

Stay blessed.

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