weight management is the major cause of this modern era. People want to eat

everything without doing any kind of exercise, and they also want to look slim

and smart. Exercise plays a vital role in the maintenance of your health, inner or

outer both sides.

For so many reasons people decide to lift weight, but the most famous and

common reason is weight loss. A healthy diet, sleep management, regular

workouts, and avoiding anxiety will give you great results. This article explains

about weight loss journey scientifically and the advantages of weightlifting in a

weight loss program.

but before starting, we must address so many queries or generally asked

questions about weightlifting in case of weight loss. Let’s get started

  1. may, I lose weight by lifting weights only?
  2. how and what to eat when lifting weights to lose weight?
  3. does lifting weights burn fat faster than cardio?
  4. what type of lifting weight is best for weight loss?
  5. does weightlifting burn belly fat Fastly?
  6. do dumbbells burn more fat than cardio?

This is true that strength training is a superb kind of exercise and an excellent

way of losing weight and to burn your calories. This is such a benefit to trying to

lose weight because muscle organs burn more calories than fat.

so, it’s imperative to understand that muscle organs/tissues are denser than

fat. as it gives us meaning that 1 pound of muscle will take up less space than 1

pound of fat in your body. See a weight training sample plan.


Bench Presses

Bent Over Rows

Romanian Dead Lifts

Back Squats

Hip Thrusts

It’s very important to understand and choose a strength training session that

is enough to burn calories and also helps you to increase muscle and decrease

body fat too in no time.

Lifting weight two to three times a week will allow you to make enough revival

between strength training days while helping you progress in your goals. The key

is to define a schedule that is realistic and sustainable for you. Regular efforts

will lead you to the great results you are looking for ahead.

When it comes to choosing exercises for weight loss, compound exercises are

best and ideal. These exercises result in higher calorie burn and it means that

you don’t have to do as many exercises to do a full-body workout. Including

pushups, pulls, squats, hinges and lunges in your daily exercise will keep you

energetic and fully focused.

So now we are going to deliver you a detailed review of weightlifting exercises

for weight loss.


The move: lay on your back with your knees bent, feet hip-width apart, and

arms at your side with your palms up toward the ceiling. Squeeze the glutes

and lift the hips until your shoulders, hips, and knees are straight in a

line. Lower down to the starting position.

The tempo: one second to bridge up, squeeze, and hold for 2 seconds at the

top,4 seconds to lower back to the starting position.


The move: Begin with high plank with your hands under your

shoulders. The body should be in a straight line from your head to your feet, and it

should stay there. Keep your glutes tight as you bend the elbows to lower your

chest to the ground. Exhale as you press up to the starting position.

The tempo: go slow on the track down, stop at the bottom, and hold for two

seconds. Press up in 1 second.

Progressions: start by doing pushups on an elevated surface like a wall,

countertop, or bench. The lower you go, the more challenging this move will be.

Pall of press

Hold a cable or band so that your straight arms are perpendicular to the band.

Your feet should be width apart with perfect posture and strict glutes and abs.

Put the handle close to your body and press it away without allowing your body

to rotate.

The tempo: 4 seconds as you pull the handle close to you,1 second as you

press it away, and for 2 seconds hold it with your arms straight.

Progressions: narrow your base and progress to eventually standing on one

foot during the press. You will stand on the foot closest to the anchor.

Ball Squat

The move: lean against a ball on your lower back. Sit your hips straight down

into a squat until the thighs are parallel to the ground. Push through the heels and

squeeze the glutes to stand.

The tempo: 5 seconds to lower into the squat, stay for two seconds at the

bottom of the squat, one second to stand still.

Progressions: progress to free-standing squat with good form.

Suspension Trainer Row

The move: face the anchor and hold the straps with your palms facing in toward

one another. Start with your arms straight, with tension in the rope, and walk

your feet forward until you are standing at an angle leaning back. Your body

should be in a straight line.

The tempo: one second to row up, squeeze, and hold for 2 seconds at the top,4

seconds to lower back to the starting position.

Progressions: walk your feet forward toward the anchor to make this move



The move: choose a step that’s 8-12 inches high to start with. Step up and raise

the opposite knee to hip height. Squeeze the glutes on the standing leg while

you balance. Step all the way down to the starting position.

The tempo: one second on the step up, two seconds to balance and hold at the

top, 4-second descent on the way down.

Progressions: increase the height of the step gradually or change the plane of


Stay Tuned

Stay Blessed

Stay Happier


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