Uses Of Herbal Medicine

Uses Of Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine includes many natural compounds which come from

plants, bark, stem, roots, seeds, leaves, and flowers. All these things are

used for medicinal purposes. whenever these are used as

complementary medicine, they offer therapeutic benefits. herbal

medicines have active ingredients from different plants. herbs have been used

for centuries even before the use of conventional medicine. This article

elaborates the different uses, benefits and safety precautions of herbal


Actually, these herbal medicines are called botanical or phytomedicines.

they are mostly used for internal side to cure the inner diseases. Herbal

medicines are native to America. There is a belief that herbs are used in

case when conventional medicine dissatisfies to people. Firstly, we

should know that why people use herbal medicine.

The answer is they use herbal medicines just to cure their chronic

diseases and to treat their moderate and mild conditions. People use

these herbs to start a treatment after taking conventional medicine.

There are other common uses which are delivered;

  1. Losing weight
  2. Sleep management
  3. Refreshing mood
  4. Boosting the immune system
  5. Increasing energy

All these are common uses of herbal medicines which include so many

benefits. There are also other factors which include the uses of herbal


  1. OTC medication use
  2. Educational records above high school
  3. Use of a mail-order pharmacy
  4. Age older than 70

Herbal medicines are available in the form of pills, capsules, tinctures,

extracts, teas, and powder or fresh and dried form. How you take a form

it totally depends on you or your medical history. You can use it by

chewing, or swallowing as tinctures, powders, or pills. They can also be use

as gel for skin irritation or you can add them in your bath water.

The most popular method to take herbal medicine is in the form of tea.

People love to take these herbs in the form of liquid mostly. But you

should consult your doctor before taking any herb because any harm can

be possible by taking over dose of herbal medicine. Let’s discuss some

popular herbs with their usage and benefits. Here are these;

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is best tonic for the treatment of acne, skin injuries and it is

also goo for psoriasis. Aloe vera is bitter in nature but it prevents

wounds, and burns and good for the digestive system. But its topical use can

cause itching, eczema, and burning. aloe vera is really good for the

treatment of abdominal pain and cramping. People use its leaves for acute

hepatitis risk.

Black Cohosh


Black cohosh is a popular herb to treat menopause and its dangerous

symptoms. However it should be used in moderation because its overdose can

lead to many side effects. Which is stomach pain, rashes, and headache. It

may gain your weight which can also lead to liver damage or fatty liver. It

can be the cause of pot shape or pear shape belly fat. Which is very tough

to fix.



Ginkgo treats dementia especially reduces your stress level

and manages to work with anxiety or mild is very useful in

case of eye problems and prevents from peripheral artery disease.

Ginkgo deals with premenstrual helps to boost your

metabolism and prevents from many chronic diseases. schizophrenia is

well treated with this herb. But you should be careful in its dose taking,

it can be the cause of bleeding, headache, dizziness, constipation, and

heart palpitations.



Passionflower is well recommended for sleep management. It balances

sleep treats mild depression and anxiety. Its side effects are

drowsiness, inducing contractions, confusion, and non-suitable during




Hawthorn prevents low blood pressure, and reduces the risks of anxiety

and depression. it treats kidney issues and makes it comfortable in

digestion and heart diseases. But it can cause of nausea, dizziness, and

interaction with heart medication.


Echinacea is good in curing the common cold, cough and prevents

chronic flue. It also can give the side effects of stomach upset and nausea.


Soy is a popular herb in the management of high cholesterol and

menopausal hot is also good in the treatment of high blood

pressure. Soy is guaranteed for bone health. However it can be the cause of

diarrhea and constipation. It can affect thyroid function with iron


Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil helps to treat bowl movement kills

abdominal pain and good in digestion. Peppermint oil helps to treat

cracked nipples and reduces the risks of anxiety or mild depression. But

it may cause nausea, mouth problems, heartburn, and skin rashes.

Milk Thistle

Mil thistle is helpful in the ailment of type 2 diabetes and to treat chronic

hepatitis also has side effects regarding allergic reactions. It can be

the cause of digestive issues and in tackling the marigold chamomile.

Milk thistle helps to prevent colds and coughs in cold winters.

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