Uses Of Herbal Medicine

Uses Of Herbal Medicine Herbal medicine includes many natural compounds which come from plants, bark, stem, roots, seeds, leaves, and flowers. All these things are used for medicinal purposes. whenever these are used as complementary medicine, they offer therapeutic benefits. herbal medicines have active ingredients from different plants. herbs have been used for centuries even … Read more

Benefits Of Herbal Medicine

Benefits Of Herbal Medicine Herbal medicine is used as the most popular method to heal the body, mind, and soul. World Health Organization has shown the studies that half of the world uses herbs for internal and external is used in basic health care. it has healing properties as well as overall well-being.It has … Read more

Types Of Herbal Medicine

Types Of Herbal Medicine Before the discussion about types of herbal medicine, we should understand that what is herbal medicine. herbal medicine has also the name of botanicals or is a plant-based medicine which is used in the form of tablets, capsules, tinctures, extracts, and teas. herbal medicines include seeds, leaves, berries, bark, roots, … Read more


IMPORTANCE OF HERBAL BENEFITS All those products which are plant-based and used to maintain health or to treat disease are called phytomedicine, botanical, and herbal medicine. Products made up of plants are used for internal use especially. Herbal medicines are used for health promotion and to treat chronic diseases. These have been used for thousands … Read more

What is herbal medicine?

What is herbal medicine? Herbal medicine deals with the usage of plants for treating chronic diseases and to boost immunity system. Whenever we make plant-based medicinesin . Herbal medicines are mostly used for internal use, but herbs should be taken inducts for treating diseases or maintaining health, they are called herbal or Phyto moderation and … Read more


SPIRITUAL HEALTH Spirit deals with body and mind both. It includes all the physical and mental aspects. body, mind, and spirit are interrelated to each other. The healing process requires spiritual health improvement. spiritual health is achieved only when we find no worry in our lives. It is important to know that spiritual health is … Read more


PHYSICAL HEALTH Whenever we talk about physical health. it can be defined as a sound mind in a sound is a state in which all our internal and external body parts, cells, tissues, organs, and senses perform their functions in a proper is that state in which a person can work with good … Read more