Types Of Nutrition

Types Of Nutrition

To live a healthy peaceful life, it is crucial to adopt a healthy lifestyle as

well as a nutritious diet. a healthy diet includes the right proportion of

fruits, vegetables, meat, seeds and nuts which give all the essential

nutrients which our body needs. We are going to discuss all those types

of nutrients which play a vital role in a healthy body. This article will

inculcate all those aspects of nutrition which are important for you


                                              Nutrition is an umbrella term.

It is a science which studies the relationship between health and diet in

detail. During healthy diet, we consume healthy food and a good number

of nutrients.it is very important to have the right proportion of

nutrients in your meal plans like vegetables, fruits, seeds, meat, and

nuts in your diet. Now coming to the exact point, this article will let you

know two major types of nutrition which have so many other sub sided

types. Let’s get started;


These nutrients fulfill the body’s needs in an ample amount to function

and remain healthier. macronutrients are classified into different other

groups; Proteins Carbohydrates, Fats, and Water. Let’s discuss them in

detail and know the pros and cons of macronutrients.


Proteins are very basic nutrients which are formed from amino acids.

Proteins repair, build, and maintain body tissues and muscles. Proteins is

also helpful to curb hunger, boost metabolism, build lean muscle,

reduce muscle loss, and improve bone health.


Carbs provide energy to our body in the shape of simple sugar or

glucose. The body uses glucose to store it in the liver for later use or in the

muscles. carbohydrates also help to regulate blood, and mood, relieve

muscle fatigue, and gain muscles. They are useful to support brin and

bodily functions.


this nutrient supports energy source. Fats are helpful to absorb many

vitamins. They protect body organs and keep cholesterol under control

and maintain to high blood pressure.


Water plays myriad roles in our body. as we can say that it aids in

absorption of vitamins and minerals. it regulates body temperature and

produces fluids and removes waste material.

Water is a treasure.


while other nutrients include vitamins and minerals. These nutrients

aid to the body in development and growth.


Vitamins are not produced by our body, but it takes vitamins in small

quantities from external sources to stay healthy and to work properly.

Vitamins are really helpful to promote healthy aging, to support our

immune system, to keep bones strong, maintaining muscle strength and

to boost cardiovascular health.

Retinol Vitamin A: black-eyed peas, cantaloupe, cheese, sweet

potatoes, fish tomatoes, yogurt, milk.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin):

Bananas, lentils, beans, oranges, nuts, raisins, bread, green peas, fish,


Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): milk, chicken breast, tofu, milk, plain yogurt,

almonds, eggs, salmon, mushrooms.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin): legumes, whole wheat, tuna, red meat, peanuts,

mushrooms, salmon, pumpkin seeds, brown rice, bananas, avocado,


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Vitamin B4 (Adenine): ginger, cloves, capsicum, hawthorn, whole

bread, jojoba, apples, raw honey, strawberries, whole grains.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): oats, guavas, nuts, brown rice,

avocados, seeds, low-fat yogurt, salmon, whole milk, and grapefruit.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): spinach, dark leafy greens, chickpeas, lady

finger, cantaloupe, fish, papayas, bananas, oranges, cauliflower.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin): raspberries, peas, pork, bananas, seeds and nuts,

mushrooms, beans, cauliflower, lentils, egg yolks and broccoli.

Vitamin B8 (inositol): wheat bran, peas, whole grains, raisins, oatmeal,

brown rice, nuts, bananas, dried prunes, cantaloup, oranges, and barley.

Vitamin B9 (Folate): sweet corn, eggs, beans, dark leafy green

vegetables, lemons, mangoes, lettuce, whole grains, seafood, oranges,

grapefruit and peanuts.

Vitamin B10/vitamin Bx (Para Amino Benzoic acid-PABA): green leafy

vegetables, nuts, whole grains, brewer’s yeast, fish, mushrooms,

molasses, rice, yogurt, potatoes, eggs, bran, wheat germ and cereals.

Vitamin B11 (salicylic acid): cheese, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables,

whole wheat bread, meat, and poultry.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin): fortified breakfast cereals, cheese, low-fat

dairy, meat, eggs, tofu, seafood and soymilk.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): tomatoes, broccoli, strawberries, cabbage,

grapefruit, sprouts, kiwi, oranges, cauliflower, lemon, bell paper and

white potatoes.

Vitamin D (calciferol): sardines, yogurt, whole eggs, cereals, oily fish,

oatmeal, mushrooms, salmon, and fortified milk.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol): red bell paper, wheat germ oil, almonds,

soybean oil, spinach, pumpkin, peanuts, beet greens, and collard greens.

Vitamin K1 and vitamin K2: vegetable oil, spinach, cereal grains,

cabbage, milk, curds, eggs, cheese, natto, and broccoli.


minerals are basic nutrients to perform different functions in our body.

They build strong bones, teeth, and muscles. Minerals are helpful in

keeping our brains healthy and active. They are also good in the

production of enzymes and hormones.

Mineral sources

Calcium: chickpeas, eggs, green leafy vegetables, dairy portion,

soybeans, tofu, plant milk.

Potassium: nuts, kidney beans, beet greens, potatoes, avocado, fish,


Magnesium: poultry forms, oats, seeds and nuts, papaya, legumes,

whole grains, dried figs, cereals.


Fiber is useful in digestive system and it controls our blood sugar level

and high cholesterol.it gives relief from constipation and malnutrition.

fiber gives us a feeling of fullness and makes to regulate our bowel


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Stay Blessed

Stay Happier

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